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Photography Is Magic de Charlotte Cotton

Descripción - Críticas The book addresses the present moment: an incredibly rich image environment, freely circulating, disembodied, destabilized, precarious, and in flux. 'ArtSlant' [Cotton] shares some of that wisdom with a sense of joy and sparkle, showcasing highlights from the world s most incredible image-makers. 'W Magazine' Charlotte Cotton casts a spell with her magnificent new book that celebrates the art of photographic magic. 'AnOther' A thorough primer in the present-day scene of art photography. 'Surface' 'The book addresses the present moment: an incredibly rich image environment, freely circulating, disembodied, destabilized, precarious, and in flux. ArtSlant[Cotton] shares some of that wisdom with a sense of joy and sparkle, showcasing highlights from the world s most incredible image-makers. W MagazineCharlotte Cotton casts a spell with her magnificent new book that celebrates the art of photographic magic. AnOtherA thorough primer in the present-day scene of art photography. Surface' Reseña del editor Photography Is Magic draws together current ideas about the use of photography as an invaluable medium in the contemporary art world. Edited and with an essay by Charlotte Cotton, this critical publication surveys over eighty artists, all of whom are engaged with experimental ideas concerning photographic practice, as the contemporary landscape is currently being reshaped through digital techniques. We are shown the scope of photographic possibilities in the context of the contemporary creative process. From Michele Abeles and Walead Beshty to Daniel Gordon and Matt Lipps, Cotton has selected artists who are consciously reframing photographic practices using mixed media, appropriation, and a recalibration of analog processes. Photography Is Magic provides the reader with an engaging physical experience and is designed for younger photo aficionados, students, and anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of contemporary photography. Nota de la solapa Photography is Magic surveys more than eighty artists whose practices shape the possibilities of our contemporary photographic landscape. Biografía del autor Charlotte Cotton has been at the forefront of the appraisal of contemporary art photography for more than twenty years. She has held curatorial positions at institutions including the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Photographers Gallery in London, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. She has been a visiting scholar and critic at Parsons the New School for Design, New York University, and the School of Visual Arts, New York; California College of the Arts, San Francisco; Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles; and Yale University, New Haven. Cotton is the author of The Photograph as Contemporary Art (2004) and founder of the discussion forum Words Without Pictures.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Photography Is Magic
  • Autor: Charlotte Cotton
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
  • Tamaño del archivo: 8 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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